Jet Setting on Norwegian Air: 5 Things You Need…


Travel Tip >> Don’t assume all international flights automatically come with meals. Do your research and check if you are expected to book extra services online in advance.

Some travel tips for those looking to travel out that way on Norwegian Air. First off we don’t have anything negative to say about the airline, the staff was friendly and the aircraft was awesome, but we did learn a few things. We were blown away by how affordable round trip tickets were through the airline so the affordability is definitely there. What we did not realize however, was that part of the reason why the cost is so ideal is because they leave it up to the passengers to determine whether they prefer to buy up for certain items or not.

  1. The great thing about this is that you get to spend as little or as much as you want without being forced to, the downside is that if you don’t plan accordingly things could be a little inconvenient or more expensive than expected. For example, although I am a pretty efficient packer, for a three week trip, we did have to check one bag which was $100 on the day of the flight, or we learned later $50 if you reserve your bag before departure online.
  2. The long flight also does not automatically come with a meal, and unlike the baggage you cannot purchase one the day of departure so you have to plan that one ahead of time if you want some grub. We ended up just grabbing food beforehand and bringing it on the flight which was much cheaper anyways since Norwegian meals run about another $50. You would pre-order that online as well.
  3. The Dreamliner itself was one of the most technologically advanced air crafts we’ve traveled on. It boasts that there is more room for your legs as well as your luggage. The cabin pressure and smart lighting is designed to reduce jet lag and there is even fresher air to enhance the whole experience.
  4. Jets designed to reduce jetlag. Not only are the windows bigger for those who want to peer outside, but they also have an electro-chromatic dimming system that tints the windows to block out the light almost completely without pulling down the shade. Crazy cool! Did all these features help reduce the jetlag? Thinking back to other trips we’ve had, yeah we’d say so.
  5. One last interesting thing we’ll note for those transferring in Stockholm, Sweden, is that if you get any drinks on the flight or before you arrive is to be sure to finish them completely. We were pretty surprised when we transferred at the airport to be stuck in a 45 minute line to go back through security x-rays and throw out all liquids. It seemed kind of wasteful to us not only in timing but also since we had to do all this before we even got to the terminal to transfer to our next plane. Some people in line were actually worried they may miss their connection. It’s just something to think about if you find yourself needing to transfer there on your next excursion.

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