Wild Amsterdam Parks and the Artis Zoo

Lindsay Racen
Founder and Chief Adventurer for Family Friendly Adventures.

Wild Amsterdam at the Artis Zoo

Travel Tip >> Take time to reflect and capture the memories you’re making along your journey and appreciate those you’re sharing the experience with.

After our long day of traveling, we took some extra time to sleep in to rest off the jet lag which was wonderful and worked like a charm. We got up feeling refreshed late in the morning, picked up our transit cards and headed out the door. Our apartment was on the main street of Overtoom where a trolley stop easily brought us down through the city to Amsterdam Central. From there we set off to get lost in the canals which were just as beautiful in person as they are in all the pictures. We found the Anne Frank Huis which offers a wonderful learning opportunity for the kids but boasts lines longer than we’ve seen in Disneyland.

The weather was surprisingly pleasant, if not just a few degrees too hot for as much walking as we had done, so we stopped at a local café for a break. By that time we found our way to Artis Zoo, which came recommended by our substitute Air BnB host for being somewhat historic to the city but recently modernized and upgraded. It had been so long since either of us had been to a Zoo, even living so close to LA and San Diego, that it sounded like a really fun activity for the day and it was. The grounds were beautiful with tulip gardens and finely kept pathways and of course an array of exotic animals including

  • Giraffes
  • Reindeer
  • Exotic birds
  • Reptiles
  • Big Cats
  • Sea Life
  • Monkeys

Your family will have a wonderful time wandering around the wild animal park. We even welcomed a new member to our travel family. Keep an eye out for Rooney our new traveling gnome who was born at the Artis zoo and will adventure all over the world wish us!

Some Favorite Family Green Spaces

Travel Tip >> Take in the artistic culture of the city and enjoy live musicians and performers or just basque in the sun in Rembrandt Square. 

We recommend enjoying the live music and eateries around Rembrandt Square which offers a relaxing and enjoyable break from the hustle and bustle. You’ll enjoy street performers as the kids dance to the music and take in the local culture as families lounge with friends and family on a beautiful Amsterdam day. We sat at a cafe called Escape which offers some great appetizers and some nice spirits for mom and dad looking for a little refreshment.

Travel Tip >> Take some time to enjoy Voldenpark which has some of the less busy iAmsterdam signs where you and your family can snap some photos without fighting the crowds.

Voldenpark allows pets and most people take time to just lay on the beautiful grounds and enjoy the scenery. It’s a perfect place for the runner in your life to let off some steam while the family enjoys some hang out time or picnic. There are beautiful features in the park like the Voldenpark Gazebo which is a great spot for your next family photo. You’ll often see people biking, playing Frisbee or simply laying about and we encourage you to take part in this fabulous recreational green space.

Travel Tip >> “Sh-ee-ple” – A crowd of people being herded around a popular attraction. Sometimes you just have to learn to embrace being part of the sheeple or you’ll let others bring down your fun.

The Rijksmuseum also offers a beautiful open green space that families can enjoy as they venture into one of the most impressive museums in the world. We walked through Voldenpark to get there and once inside keep a close eye on the kids because it truly can get extremely busy as defined by the sheeple effect. Here you will gawk at classic Rembrandts, Van Gogh’s “Self Portrait” and some interesting art pieces from the rotating exhibits. Keep in mind sometimes there can be interpretive yet liberating pieces that may not be family friendly so be sure to review the exhibit areas prior to bringing the kiddos to a few.


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